Come Away My Beloved

by Caryn Lawrence
Come away my beloved - Frances J Roberts

Category: Books

Author: Frances J. Roberts

Genre: Devotional

Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc

ISBN: 978-1-62836-660-0

This is a powerful book that is written in the form of a devotional and whenever I read this book, I sense the breath of God upon its pages. We are God’s children and He calls us His beloved ones (Song of Solomon 6:3). At times on life’s journey, we sometimes need a word of encouragement and hope. Other times we just need the Lord to speak a word to us that will uplift us in our time of need. This is exactly what this book does for me and it is filled with devotionals that will really bless you, I can vouch for it!! The Holy Spirit has really been using this book to speak a word in season to me.

Here is the story of how I was introduced to this book and the background on how I use it.

The day started out with two friends and myself going for a hike in Kirstenbosch Gardens. The plan was that we would walk through the forest and let the Holy Spirit speak to us during the hike. I was at a season in my life where I was suffering from fear & anxiety and the enemy was bombarding me with negative thoughts that were overwhelming me. My two friends were also at pivotal points in their journey with the Lord and we were all trusting for some clarity and guidance on the way forward. We got to a spot during the hike where there was a waterfall and the surroundings were serene and peaceful. We decided that it was the perfect spot for us to sit and seek the Lord. My one friend pulled out this book … “Come Away My Beloved” and she said that she felt the Lord wanted to speak to us through its pages. She told us that we will randomly open the book and she believed that what we read would speak to each of us according to our needs. Please note that as I mentioned earlier on, I was walking through a season of fear and anxiety. I took the book and randomly opened it and without any jokes, it opened to Page 109 and this is what it read…

Come Away My Beloved Book

The words from these pages spoke straight to me and really ministered to my point of need. It was just what I needed to hear and it brought fresh hope. Even now as I randomly open this book when I need encouragement, I love how the words come alive and it feels as if what I am reading has been written exactly for me, at that moment in my life. This book comes highly recommended and if you do purchase it, I pray that it will be a great blessing to you too.

If you are interested in purchasing this book, here are some recommended stockists.


Come away my beloved (Takealot)


Come away my beloved (Loot)


Come away my beloved (Amazon)

Please note there are currently more recent publications of this book.

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