As I sit and contemplate all that is transpiring throughout the world, I am filled with hope that God is up to something amazing. As things stand currently, South Africa is officially on day 12 of 21 days of complete lockdown. The Covid19 pandemic has officially brought the world to a standstill and I am sure that we have all been impacted in some way or another. This is definitely not something that I would have expected to happen in my lifetime! Usually, this is something we read about in history books, but in some unfortunate way, it has become a part of our reality. We need to be encouraged that Jesus is found in the midst of the storm.
Partnered with Covid19 is this 4-letter word called FEAR, which brings so much destruction and leaves a huge mess in its path. Fear always comes to impact people’s lives negatively!!! Currently, the spirit of fear is swirling like a tornado and drawing in whoever is willing to partner with it, leaving many hopeless and paralyzed without solutions and this is NOT OK!

Today I want to release HOPE over you as I believe that as much as fear is infectious so is hope. I, therefore, implore you to choose hope. As a body of believers, we have Jesus, and therefore we can have hope because through it all, no matter what the circumstances – Jesus is our true north and living hope! Keeping along the lines of hope, I thought I would share some lockdown revelations with you all.
Here are a few points relating to what I have been sensing the Lord saying during this season and how to navigate this storm.
God is always good
Let me say it again…God is Good! His nature and character is always to be good. Jesus is definitely not the one who brought this coronavirus. In the days before the lockdown, I felt to encourage a few people in the shopping malls with a prophetic word. About 80% were fearful and said that God is doing this to teach us, humans, a lesson. Now, this is the furthest thing from the truth. Please know today that this is a lie as God, can’t be good and bad at the same time. The Bible says this so clearly:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
~ John 10:10 ~
To set the record straight, the coronavirus IS from the enemy. God does not give us sickness and disease but comes to heal us from sickness and disease! He also comes to give us abundant life and does not come to destroy lives.
Finding Jesus in the storm
When life throws us curveballs, we don’t often know which way to turn. It is as if we go into fight or flight mode and become like headless chickens, just running off in different directions, trying to make sense of what is happening. The shops are a good example of this, as many people did not know how to deal with these lockdowns and the virus they looked to stockpiling as a sense of security. The shelves were left empty and toilet paper was the most popular commodity of the day. People were visibly stressed and there was great panic all around! Protective items such as gloves, hand sanitiser and masks were out of stock as these items were deemed to offer protection against the virus
The truth of the matter is that we can take precautionary measures, but Jesus is our protection against this virus (Psalm 91). He wants to be our security blanket and safety net in difficult times. He wants us to run straight into His arms. The enemy always brings panic, but Jesus always comes to give us PEACE that passes all understanding. When we know Jesus, we encounter the prince of peace. He comes to replace fear with peace in the same way that He did for the disciples during the storm. I pray that Jesus will be your peace during this storm.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~ Philippians 4:7 ~
Your life as a signpost
I have had these words replaying in my Spirit over the past few days, “Our lives need to be a signpost that points people to Jesus”.
This is how it should be at ALL times but especially in times of crisis as we are called to represent Jesus on this earth. People need to see that as a Christ Followers, we are different – we are hope carriers and hope givers amid uncertain times. We are called to be Jesus’ hands and feet on this earth and lend a hand wherever possible. This will look different for each one of us but make use of whatever the Lord has placed into your hands.
We all have been given something special that we can steward such as – giftings/finances/prayer/encouragement/food/time. Step out today, even in the smallest manner and release hope to someone around you. (Online prayers and encouragement will work for now, as God is not limited by space or time).
You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
~ Matthew 5:14 – 15 ~
Covering up emotional pain with busyness
When I heard that we will be entering 21 days of lockdown as a country, I was not sure how I felt about it as I am so accustomed to keeping busy. I often feel like Martha in the bible, always busy, rather than doing the better thing like Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus. Busyness keeps us on life’s treadmill but there come times in our lives when we have to step off the treadmill and take some time out to rest and seek Jesus.
The Lord has been showing me that “busyness is like a band-aid over a wound”. So often we cover up emotional pain with busyness. It is much easier to cover up a wound than deal with the pain of that wound. I sense that during this lockdown season a plaster of busyness is being pulled off of our wounds – emotional wounds/ pain/ hurts/ trauma/ unforgiveness/ brokenness – to expose it, so that it can be dealt with.
Undealt with pain always leaks out of us in some way and spills onto those around us. If you are struggling in this area, please sit before the Lord, repent and give Him your pain. Allow Jesus full access to these wounded areas as He wants to remove the pain and bring greater levels of healing and wholeness into your life.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. ~Psalm 147:3~
God is our provider
Many people have been affected financially by the economic distress we are faced with, causing great fear. With that being said, I want to remind you that as a Christ Followers, we are not limited to the economy of this world, but we live under heaven’s economy. The story of Jesus feeding the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21) comes to mind. I am sure that you are familiar with this story, where Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and fed 5000. After all that, there were still 12 baskets left over. Just a reminder, the same Jesus who did that miracle is the same Jesus we have living in us. I really do believe that Jesus is well able to “multiply” what we have in this season.
When we surrender our finances to God and give Him thanks for what we do have, I believe that He is beyond capable of stretching all that we have. He really wants to be our source of supply in this season, so look to Him as He is well able to take what you have and do the impossible with it. A good father really does provide for His children and I can testify to this in my own life. There have been numerous times that I have prayed for specific needs, and God has come through in ways beyond human understanding. It has been nothing other than supernatural!
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
~ Philippians 4:19 ~
My heart is that you will find Jesus in the midst of the storm.
I trust that this blog has been a source of hope and encouragement to you! Sending blessings your way and I pray that the Lord will be your source of hope, comfort and strength during this time. Stay safe and remember that greater things are yet to come!
Salvation prayer
If you find yourself reading this blog and saying I don’t know this God of peace, but I really would like to encounter this living God whose name is Jesus, then you can pray the following prayer:
Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and I am in need of your forgiveness. I have lived my life according to my own will but today I come to ask for your forgiveness and surrender my life into your hands. Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose from the dead and that through you I now have eternal life. I ask you Jesus to come and live inside of me and be Lord of my life. I believe by faith that I am now a child of God. Amen
“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”
~ Romans 10:9 ~
Prayer for fear
If you are struggling with fear during this time, the God of peace wants to come and encounter you with His love and perfect peace that passes all understanding. Here is a prayer that you can pray:
Dear Lord Jesus, I am currently struggling with fear and anxiety but I come to repent today and break agreement with a spirit of fear. Lord Jesus, I come to give you all of my fear, anxiety, worry and hopelessness and I come to receive your peace and love in its place. Jesus, I believe that my life is held securely in your hands and you are covering me from every side. Amen
Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love’s perfection.
~ 1 John 4:18 (TPT) ~
1 comment
[…] one. Covid19 hit and affected many lives worldwide that I wrote about in a previous blog, Finding Jesus in the storm. There are the lockdowns (which are still in effect in some places too varying degrees), Covid19 […]