I wanted to drop in with a quick post to wish all my followers near and far a very HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! I really pray that this will be your BEST year yet and that it will be a year where your hearts desires are fulfilled in ways that you never imagined possible. I would also like to take this opportunity to Thank You all, for your support throughout the past year. It has been really encouraging and each of you has been a huge blessing in my life.
I have been reflecting on the past year and I am really grateful to the Lord for how far He has carried me through the ups and the downs of all that I walked through in 2018. I know that for many 2018 was a difficult year filled with many challenges and even disappointments, where you expected things to turn out a certain way but it headed in completely the opposite direction. This gives us a reason to turn the page and start afresh and therefore I am really thankful and grateful for a new year, which holds new beginnings
I thought I would share three truths that the Lord has been laying on my heart for 2019
The first big truth that the Lord has been speaking to me about in this season is to fully embrace who He has created me to be without all the “bells and whistles”. I awoke one morning and the Lord spoke so clearly to my Spirit and He said, “Caryn you have believed and partnered with this statement – ‘you need to fake it to make it’ and this is not my heart for you. I need you STOP faking it to make it and I need you to become vulnerable.” These words really impacted me deeply as it completely resonated with me. All through my
The second truth is that we need to lay our past down to fully embrace the future God has for us. Many of us are holding onto our past, whether it is passed relationships, hurts, trauma, regrets or bitterness to name but a few. We find ourselves holding on so tightly to the things of old that it is preventing us from entering into the NEW THING God has for us. The past is like a chain attached to our back and instead of moving forward it keeps pulling us back. Here are a few basic steps to help you move forward:
- Make a choice to let go of the past
- Tell the Lord exactly what you are feeling and process what you are feeling with him. He cares more than we realize and His heart for us is total freedom and not bondage.
- Forgive yourself and those who have caused you pain / hurt
- Make a choice to embrace the new
Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.
(Isaiah 43: 18 – 19 TPT). Therefore I encourage you to release the old so that you can fully embrace the new things the Lord wants to bring forth in your life this new year.
The final truth that I feel to share with you is, “Nothing is impossible with God”. “Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37 TPT). I want to say to you that whatever battle you are currently facing, it is NOT too big for God. When we connected to Jesus and we partner with Him, He can take down the giants that we are facing in our lives. I am constantly reminded of the story of David and Goliath. When David went to fight Goliath He was not concerned about the fact that Goliath was a giant because He kept His eyes on the reality that His God was bigger than the giant He was facing. David knew who His God was and in this year of 2019, I pray that we will know who our God is and that nothing we are facing is impossible or too difficult for Him to overcome!
I pray the blessing of the Father over you all for the year of 2019 and may God meet you in ways that are way better than you imagined or dreamed of. May you encounter Gods radical grace, love and mercy in a greater measure in this coming year. Just be assured “THE BEST IS YET TO COME”