Along this journey of life, there are times when it feels as if we have lost our way or we find it difficult to see the next steps that we need to take but I do believe that as children of God we can be reassured that the Lord will direct our steps as He is our true north.
This story rings fresh in my mind…
A few days ago I met a friend for lunch in Stellenbosch and as I got into my car to head back home, I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit if I should take the N1 or N2 highway as I was well aware that there were roadworks taking place on the N1 highway. That would mean some major delays in getting back home, yet I felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit to take the route with the roadworks. (Jehovah sneaky is always at work in our lives). As I drove along all seemed perfect with little hiccups and at one point along the journey, I thought to myself, “I am so glad that I prayed, as the roadworks must be completed, and that is why I felt led to take the route that I was on”.
Just a little while after that, the traffic suddenly came to a halt and began to move at snail speed. At this point, I thought to myself that the N2 highway would have been the better option, as this delay would cause me to arrive home much later than planned. The whole of the N1 highway was shut down from a certain point and all the traffic was rerouted along an alternative route. They had placed road signs all along the route that clearly directed people who did not know the way as to ensure that no one would get lost. The road signs were clearly demarcated and if you followed them, it got you back onto the N1 Highway.

As I drove, I asked the Lord if I missed something or did I maybe hear incorrectly as I did not understand that I was shown to take the road with the roadworks. If I had taken the N2 highway, I would have bypassed all the roadworks and I would have been home already. I felt Holy Spirit begin to speak to me that this delay was very strategic, and not by accident as He wanted to reveal something specific to me. “An alternate route will still get you to the desired destination if you follow the voice of the Holy Spirit even though your arrival may be delayed.”
He showed me that the road signs along the way could be likened to the voice of the Holy Spirit. (Keep left, turn right etc.). Sometimes along life’s journey, we will go off course or we lose our way but all we need to do is realign with the voice of the Holy Spirit and He will get us back on track so that we can reach our desired destinations. If we keep missing or ignoring the signs (The voice of Holy Spirit) we will stay in a place of being lost or confused and that is definitely not Papa God’s intention for us as His children.

I want to encourage you today that God’s path for our lives will always lead us into a full and abundant life. I am reminded of this beautiful song by Hillsong United – Captain. God really wants to be the captain of our lives, so let us choose to put our hand into the hand of Jesus and follow His voice and promptings. We can follow His direction because when we make Jesus our compass we will never get lost.
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.”
~Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC~
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[…] we can have hope because through it all, no matter what the circumstances – Jesus is our true north and living […]